The following resolution was drafted by the Platform Committee and approved by the membership of the September meeting to stand as our plank on the subject of Cannabis Legalization in the Platform for the Kent County Libertarian Party.
The Kent County LPD is the home of the Libertarian Party in Kent County, Delaware.

With parts of Smyrna, Delaware in the north and parts of Milford, Delaware in the south, Kent County includes parts of eight Representative Districts and five Senate Districts in the State General Assembly, six county council "Levy Court" districts along with one at-large county representative, four county-wide row offices, four public school districts, and twenty municipalities.

Our mission is to advance the policies and principles of the Libertarian Party at all levels of our local government and into our communities by running candidates for public office; conducting outreach, education, and lobbying; providing a community for local Libertarians; and raising money to promote those efforts as well as similar efforts at the State and National level.

We currently hold monthly business meetings on the third Monday of each month at the McGlynn's Pub in Dover, beginning at 7p. We also organize or cosponsor other social and political events that will be announced here and on our mailing list.

Please sign up for our mailing list to be notified of upcoming events and pressing local issues, and consider making a one-time or recurring donation below.
Other information and important links can also be found to the right, with the latest news and updates posted below. Also join our State Party's Discord Server to start meeting other local Libertarians now!
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Monday, November 15, 2021
Platform Plank: Gun Rights
The following resolution was drafted by the Platform Committee and approved by the membership of the September meeting to stand as our plank on the subject of Gun Rights in the Platform for the Kent County Libertarian Party.